English Plus. Level 2. Student's Book / Wetz Ben, Pye Diana
Wetz Ben, Pye Diana
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English Plus. Level 2. Student's Book
English Plus
English Plus. Level 2. Student's Book / Wetz Ben, Pye Diana
≈ 2 648,00 руб.
4 074,00 руб.
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The English Plus Student's Book provides plenty of carefully planned practice to build students' confidence whatever their ability. Extra material offers flexible options so that you can cater to different learning needs and tailor lessons to your class. Each level consists of 8 theme-based units plus a shorter Starter unit. Centred on the Engage, Study, Activate methodology, each lesson is highly structured, building students' knowledge and confidence before culminating in a final productive exercise to enable students to personalise what they have learnt. A strong communicative strand runs throughout the Student's Book with plenty of speaking exercises and an entire lesson dedicated to speaking and pronunciation skills. Video is integrated into Vocabulary lessons to help students capture the target language and put it into context. Grammar Animations can be used alongside every Grammar lesson to reinforce the rule being taught and make language structures more memorable. On-page features such as Key Phrases and Study Strategy boxes support students while developing their ability to learn independently. Fast Finisher activities throughout every unit and Options pages at the back of the Student's Book provide opportunities to expand on the core material to suit different learner types. The Student's Book contains a Starter unit to revise basic vocabulary and grammar. Eight teaching units; each unit has two vocabulary sections, two or more grammar presentations, and two listening and reading sections. There is practice of the four skills throughout. Each unit has a whole page devoted to speaking skills and a whole page devoted to writing skills. Eight Review and eight Puzzles and Games sections which provide revision of all the language studied up to that point in the book. Twenty-eight pages of English Plus Options which include: Eight Extra listening and speaking pages to give further practice in these skills. Six Curriculum extra pages which are linked to topics taught in other subject areas in secondary school. Six Culture pages with topics that invite cultural comparisons. Four Project and four Song pages which provide a further opportunity for consolidation. Second Edition.
Wetz Ben, Pye Diana
Год издания
English Plus. Level 2. Student's Book
English Plus