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- Lady Renegade
Lady Renegade
Lady Renegade
Carol Finch
Электронная книга
Реклама. Рекламодатель ООО "Литрес" / ИНН 7719571260 / Litres.ru / Erid: 2Vtzqx9kwnn
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesCarol is an Oklahoma resident, with Native American heritage. She attended Odessa College in Texas on a tennis scholarship, then graduated from Oklahoma State University with a B. Sc. degree. She has earned hours toward a masters at Southwestern University, Oklahoma. Before making a full-time career of writing, Carol taught high school biology.Carol began writing while her children were preschool age. She gave up her teaching career to be a stay-at-home-mom on their isolated family ranch. After reducing life to the simplest explanations to answer her young children's questions, she decided to try her hand at writing to see if she could still communicate intelligibly with adults. After two years of keeping vampire hours to write after the children were tucked in bed, her first book was published.She progressed to writing during the day when her children were in school. During her 20-year career, Carol has penned 73 books under five pseudonyms in several genres. In her spare time and there hasn't been much of it because she never missed her children's school activities or baseball and basketball games.Carol likes to garden, do carpentry projects, and help her husband, Ed, with farming chores on their 400-acre ranch. Over the years they have raised cattle, wheat, sheep, pigs, chickens, rabbits, turkeys, and peacocks, plus dozens of cats, dogs, and horses. The place is a zoo and that's the way Carol likes it.Carol, formerly a nationally ranked tennis player in high school and college, traded her racket for golf clubs. She's still the outdoorsy type at heart, although writing has become one of her greatest passions right behind her husband, children, and young grandchildren.
Carol Finch
Электронная книга
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